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Creative Science Centre


Error Codes

To save Flash space only error numbers are displayed on the MX1 device. The MX3 devices will display this text.

0     "undefined function or variable",
1     "cant perform operation on this type of data",
2     "stack overflow",
3     "stack underflow",
4     "return stack overflow",
5     "return stack underflow",
6     "heap overflow",
7     "variable space overflow",
8     "local variable space overflow",
9     "can only be used inside a function",
10    "cannot be used inside a function",
11    "divide by zero",
12    "missing ) from array specification",
13    "integer values only for array indices",
14    "variable or function not found",
15    "expecting =",
16    "specify length for strings",
17    "operation not possible with float",
18    "operation not possible with string",
19    "operation not possible with integer",
20    "array subscript out of range",
21    "bad array element size",
22    "bad array subscript count",
23    "bad array dimension",
24    "this operator cant be used here",
25    "no closing quote on string", (V2.3+) cant set value of constant here
26    "cant initialise this type or variable not specified",
27    "expecting (",
28    "expecting )",
29    "not enough parameters for this function",
30    "not a recognised type",
31    "number of parameters mismatch",
32    "system error",
33    "variable not defined",
34    "out of memory",
35    "maximum number of parameters exceeded",
36    "not expecting = just yet",
37    "maximum number of array indices exceeded",
38    "array initialisation at dim not possible",
39    "expecting ,",
40    "need to be a pre-defined variable",
41    "only integer",
42    "for stack full",
43    "next without for",
44    "function does not return anything",
45    "unrecognised operator",
46    "invalid operator for this expression",
47    "expecting =",
48    "not allowed in for/next loop",
49    "maximum number of break/returns for one function exceeded",
50    "malformed expression",
51    "expecting a string",
52    "out of range",
53    "unbalanced loop",
54    "initial values not allowed with globals",
55    "maximum nested select / case depth exceeded",
56    "operator & not available for this type of object",
57    "port not open or not available",
58    "already exists redefinition set to off",
59    "out of range",
60    "font too big",
61    "warning",
62    "DISK_ERR", // FEOFFSET+res because this is 1
63    "INT_ERR",
64    "NOT_READY",
65    "NO_FILE",
66    "NO_PATH",
68    "DENIED",
69    "EXIST",
73    "NOT_ENABLED",
76    "TIMEOUT",
77    "LOCKED",