May 14, 2012 12:12PM
I am considering using the BV513 board and pic32 basic to measure flow from a paddle wheel sensor. The sensor pulse rate varies from 0 - 300 Hz.
I wonder of the interrupt function would be fast enough to handle this task.
Re: Speed
May 14, 2012 12:18PM
The new machineBASIC is semi-compiled and so is quite fast. A series of simple bench marks show that a line of code takes about 5us. This will of course vary depending on what is actually in the line but if it takes 10uS then at 300Hz that is enough to execute 300 lines of code.
In theory then mBasic is fast enough for this project.
Re: Speed
May 17, 2012 05:40AM
This will of course vary depending on what is actually in the line but if it takes 10uS then at 300Hz that is enough to execute 300 lines of code. ...

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