This is the IC with ByPic firmware installed. This will work with a serial device connected to the TX and RX and set to 115200 Baud. The only components needed are a 10uF capacitor. The power supply is 3.3V. Ideal for an electronics enthusiast that already has a breadboard and serial interface.
This is a PIC32MX170F256B (256k Flash, 64k RAM)
The chip can be used with or without a PCB
PCB Version c Construction Details.
PIC32MX170B 5V Tolerant Pins
14 RB5
15 RB6
16 RB7
17 RB8
18 RB9
21 RB10
22 RB11
SD Card
To use an SD card with this device do the following.
1) Replace the normal firmware with the SD Card firmware here
2) Wire up an SD card using a suitable holder using the following wiring
Chip Pin | PORT | Description | SD Card |
26 | RB15 | Clock | CLK |
15 | RB6 | MISO | DO |
14 | RB5 | MOSI | DI |
25 | RB14 | CS | CS |
** Don't forget the SD Card requires 3.3V
3) You should now see that the firmware will show a 0:/ ok prompt, this means that the SD is in place. NOTE the prompt will only show if there is an actual formatted SD card in place.
This can be added instead of the USB to serial converter, the IDE can then be a web application.
Wifi to Serial adapter