Windows Serial

This will require some kind of USB to serial device.This page has a comprehensive list of low costs types but all will have a TX and RX pin.

This is a typical connection to an SWS serial device. Note that TX goes to RX and RX goes to TX.

Once connected use BvSerial for testing. SWS can also be used but this will give a flavour of how the device actually communicates.

BvSerial is shown in use below.

Above is an example with the BV4601 (twin relay) connected, with other devices the address 'f' will be different. To find the address type:

.sv3 set This is important as it will set the end of line character to be a single CR (13) and also allows the ACK(6) returned form the device to be seen. This step is not shown in the screenshot above.

.sv3 list and it will give the address of all of the sv3 type devices connected, in this case its 'f' or 102.

If it were a BV4603 motor controller then the commands would begin with a b instead of f so fH would be bH as the default address for that device is 'b'.

  1. type fH (that is lower case f, upper case H followed by enter). The device will respond with ACK ([06]).
  2. type fD to get the device number and the result will be 4601[06]
  3. type fa1,1000 This will turn on relay 1 in 1 second
  4. type f0 to turn it off (this will turn all the relays off)

Above is what you should expect using BvSerial

Now run the SWS software as described here.